Tuesday, August 29, 2017

August 28-September 1

Here's What's Happening...

ELA: We are beginning our year in ELA with setting some expectations and routines. This week we will focus on setting expectations for Reading to Self and Buddy Reading. We also will study the difference between a gist and a summary. We will practice upholding our read to self and buddy reading while also writing gists and summaries for certain texts. Later on this week, we will explore what our writer's workshop will look like and practice writing for a given amount of time without stopping. We really want to build up our reading and writing stamina.

Social Science: We will continue discussing our idea of what a scientist through written reflection and group discussion. We will also discuss the importance of observation in science.

Ms. Gari's Math Class: This week we will participate in some get to know you activities, set our expectations for our math community (what it looks like and sounds like), as well as get started with our Unit 6 pre-test. On Friday we will be taking our first 5th grade Common Assessment. Please encourage your child to get stome rest and try their best on testing this week. 

Important Info...

Curriculum Night
This year, curriculum night will be on Wednesday August 30 from 6:30-8:00 pm. We will meet first in homeroom classes, move to the middle for 5th grade policies, and then move to math classes. I hope to see you there! 

MAPS Testing:
Students will be taking Reading and Math MAP tests this week. I always tell students: "All I am hoping for is that you try your absolute best!" That is all I can ask for and I would appreciate if that message was relayed in your homes as well. The schedule can be found below in important dates. 

Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti!
Did you hear about our PBIS Kick Off assembly this past Friday?  We welcomed author, Amy Logan, who shared her book, A Girl With a Cape.  This is a beautiful story about how our kind words and actions can make a lasting impact on others, even if we don't know that they do.  It goes along well with our theme for the year, which is "Kindness is Contagious - Pass it On!"  Our assembly ended with a huge shower of confetti, as students were challenged to throw kindness around like confetti this year. Check out the video of this moment below!

Important Dates...

  • Tuesday, August 29th: Reading MAPS test, 8:05
  • Wednesday, August 30th: Picture Day 
  • Wednesday, August 30th: Math MAPS test, 9:10AM
  • Wednesday, August 30th: Curriculum Night, 6:30-8:00pm
  • Monday, September 4th: No School, Labor Day